Reiki and Me
How I first heard about Reiki
I had never heard of Reiki until I met Mike through working for the local authority.
Mike had an accident at work and his spine was badly damaged. Surgery was not an option and after exhaustive tests, scans and consultations, Mike had to accept that there was no more that conventional medicine could do for him, apart from providing him with painkillers. In desperation, Mike and his family started looking at complementary therapies. He told me that the only pain relief he could get for his back, came from something called Reiki.
After his first Reiki treatment, Mike knew he’d found what he needed. Reiki eased his mind, relaxed his entire body and gave him respite from the non-stop pain. It allowed him to sleep, to move around more easily and to enjoy the company of his friends and family – to enjoy his life again.

Reiki works it’s magic on me
Amazed, I chatted to my own friends and family about this “new thing” I’d discovered and how it seemed so incredible. My lovely husband, seeing how intrigued I was, organised for me to learn more and to take my first steps towards becoming a Reiki Practitioner myself. On the day of my Reiki 1 course, I had a bad back, so sore that I could only sit on a dining chair and I very nearly cancelled. I am so, so glad that I didn’t…..I might never have discovered the power of Reiki energy!
At the end of a brilliant day, full of peaceful, yet amazing experiences, I suddenly realised my back was fine! I began to work with the Reiki energy on myself, friends and family, in a very small, irregular way until sadly, I let life take charge and depression took over. Instead of using Reiki to help myself, I forgot all about it. Years of living with depression (to a lesser or greater degree) passed and then another big whammy – I suffered a brain haemorrhage. I was lucky. I survived. I didn’t know why at the time; the depression returned and I honestly despaired of ever feeling happy again. I hated everything about myself. At that time, my family was my only salvation.
A Reiki revival
To cheer us all up, we decided to have one last family holiday together. The children were now teenagers and going off to university and doing their own thing. We booked a trip to Orlando, Florida. With a week to go, I was so anxious, fatigued and depressed that I saw my GP and asked him to say that I was too ill to travel. Luckily, he persuaded me that the holiday would be good for me. How right he was, but not for the usual reasons! An old friend of mine joined us in Orlando for a few days and out of the blue, she asked me for a Reiki treatment. I had never given her Reiki before and we had never really talked about it, so looking back, we both thought it strange that she should ask! I worried that it wouldn’t work because I hadn’t reikied anyone for so long, but the Reiki flowed and flowed. Not only did my friend benefit, I did too – I felt happy afterwards and suddenly hopeful. After each treatment, we both continued to improve, each in our own way. Maybe the answer had been there all along….
My Reiki journey began afresh. Using Reiki daily, my depression lifted and my physical health improved no end. My GP, who, a month earlier had been on the point of referring me back to a psychiatrist, was quite stunned by my transformation and was more than happy to allow me to continue with Reiki.
The birth of Bury St Edmunds Reiki
I decided to re-take a Reiki 2 course to kick-start my Reiki again, and what an inspiring and powerful experience that was. Re-energised, I continued to reiki my family, friends, my cat, horses, ponies, dogs, indeed anything that moved and began to ‘send’ Reiki too, distance healing.
The effects of the Reiki were astonishing – from unfreezing frozen shoulders and relieving acute anxiety, to sending a large, highly strung horse to sleep! Having practiced consistently for 12 months I had the courage to start Bury St Edmunds Reiki.
It was, and still is, awesome to witness the effects of Reiki, and I just love seeing the relaxation in someone’s face after a single treatment, or the joy that relief from pain or increased mobility can bring. Teaching also quickly became a passion. I love what I do!

A happy ending
Having been a Reiki Teacher/Practitioner for many years now, I still appreciate that Reiki energy knows no bounds and it continues to amaze and inspire me. I see now that the brain haemhorrage was meant to be – it forced me to stop and reconsider what I wanted out of life and nudged me onto a different path.
I learned, survived and through Reiki, finally found peace of mind and happiness. Along the way, I have had wonderful support from my family and friends. My heartfelt thanks to you all, always. Through Reiki I am always meeting wonderful, generous, inspiring people. Now, with the addition of Equine Reiki and Coaching with Reiki, I’m able to combine two more of my passions into my Reiki practice – horses and life coaching. That old saying is so true… “If you love what you do, you’ll never work another day.” I love what I do!